The Head
I have all of the skull, jaw and neck components printed. I have painted the ear pieces black and the neck white, but there are still a lot of pieces that need painting. There is a jumbo servo located inside the head for the neck rotation.
The jaw moves up and down and is driven by a standard servo. The most difficult part for the jaw was the spiral piston that transforms the rotation of the servo into linear vertical movement for the jaw. This did not fit into the corresponding spiral hole. I had to spend a lot of time filing both the piston and the hole.
I spent a lot of time sanding and painting the neck. I had to print this with support material and it took a lot of cleaning up afterwards. I"m still not happy with it but it will do for now.
Originally I had the head and neck mounted on a stand I found on thingiverse, but now the neck is mounted onto the torso.

Partially Built Head
Partially built head on stand, front view.

Partially Built Head
Partially built head on stand.

Complete Head On Stand
Complete head on stand, no speaker or camera.

Complete Head On Torso
Complete head on torso, not fully painted.

Head On Workbench
Head undergoing some improvements in Aug 2020.

Head On Workbench
Head undergoing some improvements in Aug 2020.
Various improvements have been made to the head. It now has an Audio amplifer and a servo breakout board in the top of head. There is also a speaker inside the mouth.